Distillerie Fils Du Roy Therio 750ml

Distillerie Fils Du Roy Therio 750ml

Product Code: 627843205593

The Thério is a spirit with anise and vanilla. This product must be diluted before consumption. It is cut with a lot of water in the summer and a little less water during the winter. It is the longest spirits to produce as it is the result of a combination of maceration, distillation and a second maceration that will eventually be infused. The Thério was decanted but unfiltered.

  • Alcohol content : 65.0%
  • Quantity per container : 1
  • Container Size : 750 mL
  • Country of origin : Canada

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$41.49 /UNIT $55.99
Store Address City Quantity
Kennebecasis Valley 115 prom. Campbell Drive Rothesay 1
Fredericton - rue York Street 380 rue York Street Fredericton 16
Moncton - ch Mountain Road 936 ch. Mountain Road Moncton 2